About the Business
Specialising in new roof construction and roof repair, maintenance and renewal for over 54 years, testament in itself about our credibility and heritage. The name Belmont Roofing is known throughout the UK and in particular to East Anglia and the South of the UK where Norwich has been the home to Belmont Roofing since 1959. This almost unique milestone in terms of longevity within our industry has not been achieved without considerable hard work, investment in staff in terms of training and by employing the very best.
The business was acquired by the current owners Paul Arthurs and John Farrow in 2003 and still follows many of the original company ethics and standards that our customers have come to expect from Belmont Roofing. QUALITY - Belmont Roofing operates an accredited Quality Management System to ISO 9001:2008 which has been in place since 1993. The success of the company relies upon customer satisfaction.
Location & Hours

88 Drayton Road